I had it installed after a door-to-door sales team talked me into it. It took three visits to the house over in over two weeks to get the system installed right. After the contract cancellation period ended, the panel started beeping, not going into alarm, but would just beep, wake us all up, at night, AT 4AM EVERY TIME IT DID THIS 6 nights at random. I would be woken up, have to go downstairs and start punching buttons to get it to stop. I told them I was done with it and I now use a dog and shotgun for protection. I have written letters, six ways to Sunday and they just say okay. Now I am being sought for collections in the tune of $1727.64. Save yourself the headache, every alarm company sends out minions to sell their system over others, then each say that the other guys don't contact the police but will only send a non-armed security officer to check on the alarm. It is a marketplace of shysters and it isn't worth the headache getting one installed by this company or any other for that matter.