THEY ARE THE WORST HOSPITAL ever they staff is untrained none of them are licensed technician's in the state of CALIFORNIA! Dr. Habib is the worst she has her own child running around the hospital taking sick animals out and playing with them. I have heard inside stories about the hospital from old hospital staff..she is rude and curses at the staff...non of the technician have a RVT license in the state of California so they are not trained technician licensed in the state of California. All the other techs are on the job TRAINING beware they will poke your animal 10 times before they get the blood or urine sample. Dr. Habib is rude to her staff and can't get experienced staff due to her firing them or people leaving because she is so mean to everyone. She is always late to appointments don't take your pet there unless you want them to be a guinea pig or PIN CUSHION!!! Her daughter will be there taking you sick animal out and playing with him because SHE FEELS like it and none of