I was referred to Morgan Hill Auto Body by a local repair shop for a simple touch up after they scratched /dented my door. \r
The Body Shop is run by a guy named Larry. He was friendly at first but as the repair dragged on, he got ruder and ruder.\r
His quote was for 2 weeks but it took almost 2 months in reality!\r
I thought that with all this time on my car it would be a really good job but it sure WAS NOT.\r
The color did not match at all and there was RUNS in the paint. \r
Larry tried to explain it away by saying that it was a fault of the original primer!!??\r
HUH!! What do i know about primer??? I just wanted my door fixed right.\r
If it took primer to do it right then why did he just not do it!!??\r
I ended up going back to my mechanic and he took it to Kuykendall Auto Body. One week later i had my car back and it looked perfect.\r
Morgan Hill Auto Body has got to be the WORST shop i have ever dealt with in my life. \r
Please DO NOT give them your business and watch out for LARR