Here's how the purcella scam works:
You call them for service, they promptly say ""no problem I'll be over in a few hours"" with no other discussion. Once they arrive, they quickly diagnose the problem and proceed to attempt to replace the defective part (luckily for me, I stopped and asked how much the HSI on my furnace would be). If you don't ask at this point before the part is installed, get ready to spend almost a quarter of the price of the furnace to replace what amounts to a lightbulb filament and 5 minutes worth of work. If you ask why it is so expensive, they will claim that they are the only ones on the planet that can get the 'right' part for your furnace and that if you don't buy it from them you are ""@#$! out of luck!"". When you politely refuse to pay a minimum of a 300% markup, they will then reveal their final card; A 'service' charge for coming out.
Something they don't mention when setting up the appointment.
If I was unsure whether or not Purcella service was a bunch of con-artists before, I have not doubt after this pleasant visit. Good luck with that business model!
Pros: Quick Response
Cons: Quick Response to steal from you