Randy built a home for me about 3 years ago and did a FANTASTIC job. Randy and all of his sub contractors worked in a very professional manner.
Randy did everything I asked him to do and he also added some great features to my custom home.
I would recommend Randy to anyone wanting a new custom home. Randy builds a home not a house. If and when I ever build another home I will have Randy Young Construction build it no matter where it maybe.
I had one small problem to fix Nail pops and after one call RYC had it taken care of.
I was SHOCKED at the review written by the other person on RYC. That person must just be trying to ruin RYC or was PISSED of the day they wrote it cause I can't even imagine that RYC would ever do any of the things that was mentioned.
RYC is the person you want to build your home.
Pros: Professional, Great Contractor, Went beyond his duties