I had many friends that had already had intralasik with Dr. Boothe with good results. I did not bother with any other surgeon since he has done way more than any of the others. During the consultation, I got to see his phenomenal laser room with six of the most state of the art lasers. It was nice to find out that he has a backup laser for each type of laser. They explained how the room is climate controlled for temperature and humidity. He keeps it a little cool so you have dress for it. I did not feel anxious at all because he gave me Ativan. The surgery only took about five minutes for both eyes. I could see better than 20/20 by the day after surgery. I had no discomfort. It was a piece of cake to go through. I would recommend this surgery to anyone and especially Dr. Boothe. He is the man.
Pros: Dr Boothe is a good doctor