So, yes the building is old and the furniture is not top of the line, but when I go out to eat - more than anything I want food that makes my mouth water - food that you just can't get anywhere else. Forget the normal menu we have become so accustomed to at big restaurant chains - this is food that tastes so good you'll be dreaming about it for days! The service is not bad either - it is a buffet after all, they bring you drinks and there is nothing else for the servers to do after that! If you need fancy and upscale, then this place is not for you - but if you want to relax and eat a lot of great food for a great price, then this is the best place around! And the Sweet potatoes are soooo good - you will definitely go back for seconds!
Pros: Best Fried Chicken and Sweet Potatoes!
Cons: My stomach is not bigger!