They care very little about the customer, and are always prepared to nickel and dime everybody including customers like myself who have been going there for a long time. They don't carry any chemspec products and refuse to evolve. I really only used them to rent a scrubber, but they made me upset enough to go an purchase one for around $700.00 on If you're looking for a good alternative to this store, (or you will be soon) I was relieved to find out today that excel supplies is opening a storefront here in Sarasota. They understand the concept of customer service a lot better than the chumps at West Florida Supply. I guess they think that they are unbreakable now that Coastal Paper and Chemical went out of business but new players are coming to town and I can't wait until West Florida is closing their doors for good. If you are reading this and in need of chemicals pleas seek another chemical store.