Hi everybody if you are looking out to rent properties at Oceanside CA , please dont go to Ranch N Sea Property Mangement , especially agent named Cathy, She is just equal to a witch bitch trust me i am paying near about 2500 dollars per month but i am not getting the benfit of what i am paying every month, almost all the appliances are dead, and when you call to put up the work order she will treat you as just as you treat somebody who is a raciest or a nasty creature, she will yell and make all the restless sounds that she doesn't have any time to talk so what else she do other than managing her customers ?? she will even call you lier and disconnect the phone without answering, she will bias just like a F bitch. she is mentally ill i think, otherwise a normal human will never talk like that. Hi people watch out for this lady bitch please. I am moving out soon otherwise i will end up suing her for her ill treatment and talk rather taking care of the issues Oh by the way she is an old goofy acting and dressing like she is only 16 years old