This hotel is in the middle of suburban los angeles, namely Pasadena in San Gabriel Valley. It's driving distance from shops and Tiffany's for instance, along with Barnes and Noble.
It's set back into rolling hills and lots of greenery. They feature a tennis court and an expansive dining area.
Top floors are secured by an elevator key which will keep you replete with snack food your entire stay which might make you feel bloated.
The hotel is an excellent place to stay on a business trip, although maybe it is prohibitively expensive for that purpose.
It's a nice walk from any two points in the hotel, and it's easy to get turned-around on the property or otherwise lost on the grounds.
to some it might be stuffy, but I put-up with a somewhat stuffy atmosphere because it was a huge place that is virtually unnoticeable given it's secluded location.
like the city of Pasadena, it's a far cry from a beachfront resort, but I would gladly recommend it for a night or two primarily because it's old fashioned.
at $900/night, however, I can't warrant staying there longer than that.
The room, for one, that I stayed in with my fiance was too snug.