Being in the service industry, it is my duty, honor and privilege to provide quality service to my patients. Unfortunately, several employees at Shooter's do not embrace this philosophy. In particular, there is tall, nicotine saturated, mustached, bald gent who is perched high atop his throne ready and willing to help you feel lower than owl dung. God forbid the lay person approach him with any questions or concerns. He will certainly go out of his way to make your experience the equivalent of hammering a rusty nail through your patella (knee cap) very slowly. This crocodile skinned fellow is not the only self absorbed warm body pacing around the store. Out of the entire staff, approximately 1.5% of the employees are helpful. For all of you second amendment folks out there? rest assured there are a couple of options for you like: Sportsman?s Warehouse or Palmetto Firearms. If I had known then what I know now, I would have purchased my handguns at one of the aforementioned establ