The Women's Health Group is the McDonald's of fast food joints, EXCEPT McDonald's has EXCELLENT customer service and decent food with me not being the biggest fan of McDonald's but I would eat there than to ever go back to TWHG!!! I have lived in Manhattan, Kansas all my life and enjoyed the days where a woman could see an OBGYN without it being a collective. It is hard enough to be a working woman, mother, caregiver to parents, single parent as well. The Women's Health Group do not give a hoot about you, all they see is dollar signs!!! Most of the doctors I liked (not saying all of them) but the office is attrocious in their supposed "professional conduct", how sad is that? The women of Manhattan should have more of a choice than to have to see only their group, it is not fair to the other professional businesses that do actually have "excellent service". Here's how you can be banned from their practice altogether, get sent to collections only TWICE and you too can be BANNED FOR LIFE.