I got so many different answers to my questions while suffering a miscarriage. They were a new office to me. The front desk staff were the greatest. Each nurse or dr,resident I spoke with gave me a different answer. When it came to testing one dr would say I would get the appt time, then next dr said no to the test. Some were emotionally supportive, but some just down right heartless and insensitive, mostly nurses on phone calls. At hospital you speak to so many people that work with the dr, (who I had never met in my life). Shift changed while waiting on them 5 hours. Had to repeat everything again over and over. Many people I hadn't seen showed up in OR. Not a good thing with female surgery. When I started asking who they were they put me out. It is a teaching hospital but it would be great to stick w/ one person for answers, opinions. Not a great time in life to be more confused. Some don't like it if you ask too many questions, and know what to ask. I just want to be an informed patient, consumer. May be better for established patients. Don't think I will ever be one at this office. Referral got lost for over 3 weeks and took another dr to get it in time before extra insurance ran out. Surgery scheduler jumped through hoops for that, though she was hard to get ahold of w/ limited hours.