I've been an athlete my entire life and was always thankful for the fitness benefits that the competitive sports automatically provided. When I graduated from college and my athletic life changed due to work and other responsibilities, I found my fitness slipping away. Although... I'd like to think I maintained some sort of regimen all these years.
But it wasn't until I joined Body Maxx gym at the urging of a few friends that I realized it was all an illusion. My cardio and strength honestly just weren't the same. It was a rude awakening, if you will.
With the training expertise, commitment, genuine care and support of the owner, and my trainer, Boba Andric I truly not only feel, but am, stronger than I have been in more than a decade.
The gym is small, intimate, fun and private (which is why I'm guessing celebs like to come here). But once you commit to going, you start to see the same people, and build a comraderie with them.
I am a Body Maxx devotee for life.