I have been using White Glove for almost 1 year now. I highly recommend them. There nurse practioners are fantastic. I use them so much I know many of the nurses by name. I trust them completely. I have always been able to get an appointment on the same day and usually they see me within a few hours. Once I called at 6 pm at night and their nurse was at my door in 30 minutes. I love that I don't have to miss work. They actually come to your work or home. Plus they call to follow up the next day, every time. Name 1 doctor who does that. I love that included in the visit is my prescription. Usually the practioners have the prescriptions ready for me at the time of the visit. I don't have to go all sick to the store and spend additional money. It is included. Only once in the entire time have I had to purchase a prescription. And they called that in for me. But above all that...I look forward to their chicken soup, crackers and gatorade. Their well-kit has saved me many a time until I could get out to purchase some kleenex or soup. Book them. You will never go back.