This place is an absolute JOKE! WHen my son was first born he threw up constantly, he would puke like the exersist! We had to use bathroom towels as burp rags. I brought this up to the DR and was told I was over exaggerating. Also he had diarrhea so bad I could not keep up with him and he got a yeast infection from it. I was so scared and confused. They told me he was fine and put him on a special formula that did not help, and of course they blammed that on me as well. Finally I went to a different DR and come to find out my son is lactose intolerent and also his stomach did completly finish growing so I have to put oatmeal in his bottle to keep him from throwing up so much. They also did not get all the skin when my son was circumsized and it has reattached! :( I would not recommend!