We ordered windows and were pleased with the service up to the day the windows were installed. At that time I realized there was a small difference between what we ordered and what was installed. I wasn't worried because up until then everything was good. I noted the problem on the paperwork, requested a call back from the salesman and waited. It didn't come. I called the salesman and didn't get a call back. I called the company and didn't get a call back. I sent an email to customer service and didn't get a return call. I again called customer service though by now I had realized there was never anyone available to talk to me. This time I did get a call back but I missed the call so I returned that person's call. Oops, I had missed my one chance to maybe talk to someone. I never got a call back. It was then I realized I am a slow learner, the fact is American Vision Windows provides great customer service only until they cash your check.