I am an Active Duty Soldier from Fort Bragg, NC and my truck broke down as I was passing through Walteboro, SC. I called this business who towed it to their shop to run their free diagnostic. When they called me with the estimate I declined their service as I could not afford the repair at the time. They then tried to deal with me but I still declined. They then told me I could get the truck at my convenience after I paid them over 500 dollars for labor. I asked what labor? They told me that they tore apart my transmission, and when I told them that I did not agree to any labor to be done they then told me that was not their problem that I couldn't get it until I paid that fee and that 35 dollars a day was being added for torage until I could afford to pick it up. Since then they have told lies to authorities and my lawyer saying that I agreed to the service. All of it being their word against mine. I would not recommend this business to anyone. In my opinion they are more worried about lining their pockets rather than providing quality service. I am just a Soldier, I can't afford it???