Me and some friends decided to try the two georges so called grouper trip on dec 22 . All i can say is great job for getting people to believe that catching and eating a baitfish is better than snapper.This should have been named the grunt boat trip because as soon as the grouper bite was on they would crank up and leave to another spot, and just kept repeating the process until the day was over.The equipment they had you use was as old as the boat but the boat i must say was in alot better shape.It was a brand name but just flat wore out. Two of the poles that were giving to us had tangled line in the reel, so spent 10 minutes of the 15 at the spot fixing it.I would recommend a private charter over these big boat charters that charge you to go out and catch a baitfish and call it a game fish.Also the trip was sponsored by the tackle shop at oldsmar fleamarket and the guy they sent to represent the company , i believe was roger,was constantly bad talking other guests under his breath but loud enough for others close to hear him. Would i do a trip like this again? most definitely not. They have made all the rumors i have heard a reality .