Why does bruce albert md HATE Americans so much?? This clown as been sued approximately 20 times, has a $240,000 judgment against him, and uses secret arbitration and secret settlements to cover his tracks. This bozo will claim he takes only hard cases, but the truth is every case is HARD for albert. This clown is really a workers’ comp. doctor, which means he gets paid to screw up, Big Time! Should you seek medical advice from this clown be sure to bring a hidden camera and remember he has a RAP SHEET on www.occourts domaine name org. Clowns like albert have built their corporations around the fact that the most you can get for PAIN and Suffering is $25K. Consider yourself lucky if albert does nothing more than verbally and emotional abuse you! Don’t see this guy if you have something serious like a crushed hand! Bewware, this guy writes his own reviews!