Hello City search staff and screeners... My aname is Gaby, the owner of Gaby's Mediterranean, First of all i would like to thank you for a great site where people can express their opinion freely and business owners get the chance to examin their operation and find some great insights about their business.
sometimes, as a business owner , I feel desappointed when I see customers consider our devotion to quality, service and value, as point of weakness in our establishment. They take advantage of our kidness and generosity to a point where we feel insulted and manipulated.
We make mistakes and our policy is to gladly correct them no questions asked. but people like Shydaug who wrote to you in june 25, 2010 think that they can eat free three times within three weeks because he knows how to manipulate our policy and take advantage of his loud mouth by makind a scene in front of customers. About the incident shydaug is talking about, My Manager called me to tell me about a customer who picked up his food at around 12:30 noonish and calls an hour later complaining about the meat and wants to pick up a replacement plate at 6:30 PM. I went to the restaurant around that time and waited for "Shydog" to personnaly talk to him and find out what he did not like about his food. When he came I did not even look at the plate he brought back. I only asked what is wrong with the meat, he said it was over cooked and started talking about how much he loves the food and how desapointed he was this afternoon because he was not able to eat the lunch he purchased but he loves this place so much he's not gonna write us up online . I appologised to him and went to the kitchen to prepare a whole new plate for him. The line cook who prepared his lunch earlier opened the plate shydog brough back and showed it to me. Four tiny pieces of shaved shawarms meat, 3 pieces of romain letuce and one table spoon of rice where left in the plate. The plate was literarly empty. The line cook whispered to me that this guy came in a week earlier and did the same thing. It was obvious that this "shydog" trying to scam another free ldinner, but still, I put a dinner portion of meat in the plate and hand it to him with a sincere apology. but this man had the adocity to ask me in front of a line of a people for a complete dinner. I brought the plate and told him :" you ate everything sir. Iam giving you meat because you were complaining about the meat" " Your cooks served me burned meat" he said. " If this is what they did I will fire them" I said " but I can not give free dinners all the time.
I took pictures of the plate and customers where shoked when they saw it.
Dear City search screener: I don't want this lettter to be published . that's not the purpose. Instead I would like you to realize that some people use your platform to manipulate business owners for their own benefit. so please try to get the other side of the story before you post derogatory comments that could hurt people's livelyhood.