I have been in Strictly Feathers many times too, and Gwen is a very NASTY, RUDE PERSON!! She talks down to you like you know nothing, this is NOT how you run a business. My perants always told me to kind to people, and treat others as you want to be treated, a smile always go a long. I'm sure the birds can also sense her unkindness, personally I have never seen her talk or interact with the birds. As for the ones that responded on how nice Gwen is they must be special or Gwen must be have a good day. Even the little old lady that works in the back of the store never says ANYTHING! I do not believe its because she not kind. We all go through trials in our life that can wear us down, and even change our spirit. But a place of business IS NOT WHERE WE SHOULD BRING OUR PROBLEMS. Gewn is really an attactive woman, but she needs to put a SMILE ON HER FACE also speak to her CUSTOMERS with KINDNESS! I'm sorry; I just really don't like when people treat ANYONE UNKIND! I have a BIG HEART and it