This is what a service manager said about customers on a recent forum.\r
All I have to say is every one that is B****ing either has buyers remorse, or have been fired or just didn't listen to what the person had said when they were talking to the managers. To this I say grow up look at all the other repair facilities on this web site and look at how many complaints they have you cant please every one cause if you did then what would people b**** about or there wouldn't be this web site. the main thing is any where you go people are trying to up sell you things a $79.00 brake job will do but do you want brakes that make noise. that is why there is a good, better, and best option on every thing. put it to you like this coupons are made to get you in the store where ever you go how many times do you go into the store and buy just what you need not always you also get stuff you want or for a couple bucks more do you want to make that a meal. why would you by name brand vs store brand same package, same ingredients, just different labels. so you know what *** my off *** people if you don't have it don't buy it, or sleep on it and if you find a better deal let them know most businesses will meat or beat it cause they want your business. \r
Comments (1) \r
1. Written by AZpissed, on 19-11-2010 20:32 \r
Folks that's what you have to contend with \r
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!\r