I needed a car to get to my new job and nobody would give me a loan because I only had a job for a month. What the hell's wrong with this country?\r
Anyways, I saw a bunch of those Timebuyer commercials on TV and figured I'd try them out.\r
Holy Crap! Not only didn't they do a credit check (thank God!) they gave me the okay on credit to buy.\r
I couldn't believe it. I was really starting to get worried with the winter starting around here and thinking about how was I gonna get to work in all that snow,\r
And then all of a sudden, I've got a car!\r
It's a used car (I wish I could get something new/newer) but it's MY car and I love it.\r
I still can't believe after all the worrying I was doing that I found a place that took a chance on me and gave me a car! COOL!\r
I'm so happy.\r
Now I want to meet there spokeslady Michelle and thank her for being in all those goofy commercials and stuff. If that jingle hadn't been stuck in my mind I might not have thought of them.\r
Need credit Today, and having trouble finding a WAAAAY...TIMEBUYER!