for the love of all that is holy, stay away from this horrible horrible, evil, awful place. I don't have enough room in this box to write everything that is wrong with this place. I signed up JUST to save someone from what I went through. Lies about how much things cost, falsifying records to get more money, onlays falling out, trying to get me to agree to more costs and services while my mouth is open and full of gauze and tools so I can't say no. they tried 3 different times in the same visit to get me to agree to x rays I did not need, each for a different and equally absurd reason. They KNOW they are ripping you off, the whole office has a quiet hushed feeling, and you hear whispers from the staff, talking about how big of a moron you are and how much money they may be able to extract out of you. If you want to experience avalon dentistry it is pretty easy to re enact these simple steps. 1. Have a room full of people point and laugh at you. 2. Hire a tall guy to grab you by the ankles, turn you upsided down and shake all of the money out of your pockets. 3. Have someone punch you in the face. At least then you will have your teeth entact afterwards.