Unbelievable that I have been told this place has good food. It was the worst experience ever! First of Who the heck does not take a credit card? Secondly, since when is drenching italian dressing over wilted lettuce and tossing one dried up pepperoni and a two dis-formed curls of what looks like mozzarella cheese supposed to be a salad! You've got to be kidding me when I then got my calzone and it was raw in the middle. The coffee tastes like it's old and stale and do not get me started on the nasty faced employees. I did not want to eat it. Thought okay just be polite eat the bread I am part of a group I went to the bathroom and quietly mentioned the calzone raw, was told it was cooked all the way thru, embarrassed I suggested this place thought okay just salvage this for the dogs waiting for me at home, they will eat anything. When I mentioned that the calzone was raw dough in the center the waitress said, that is authentic italian.Not in my memory of Italian is this authentic! My sister bit into a bone in her sausage and they brought her a to go container and she ordered a to go coke to take home to her roomate. They stuck the togo coke into a wax covered soup container and poked a hole into the top rather than spring for a standard styro or plastic togo cup We all just laughed! Never go here seriously the worst experience and Warren from 1430 AM the Gourmet Show that I listen to will be hearing an ear full next Friday How dare you say this was a good place how much did they pay you to say that! Warren Miller you should be ashamed of yourself!