I had a root canal procedure with Dr Mautner a few weeks ago. This being my first root canal, i was nervous based on the unpleasant stories of pain that i heard over the years. Well i have to tell you ..this experience was fun... i really never had so much fun at the dentist.
The minute i sat in the chair ,i was presented with a menu of shows and live performances for my veiwing and listening pleasure via a pair of glasses and i head phone.I chose Chris Rock live at the Hard Rock Cafe...i figured i might as well laugh my way through this experience.
OMG ...i laughed and laughed ...i didnt even know when the procedure was finished...nor did i want to get out of the chair. What a hilarious experience!
Dr Mautner and his staff were very professional and i was very pleased with the results . The numbing part of the procedure was very smooth and quick...never had it done quite like this. Thank you guys...i really wish upon everyone a dental experience like mine.