My daughter is from Florida, attends college in Winchester and needed a reliable garage for car maintenance, so we asked a local ( the school nurse for a recommendation). Three years later, Duncan Bros. has more than withstood the test of time and a 98 Subaru with issues. Just two days ago I flew up from FL thinking that the Subaru's transmission needed replacing-- that's what the tow truck driver (a garage owner) and two kind dudes with some car knowledge told her after pushing her car safely out of the middle of the road. To get the ball rolling, I called Duncan Bros. and asked for an estimate. After a long search, Bruce finally found a used one that Duncan Bros could install for 1600, quite reasonable. However, when Duncan Bros. inspected the car, they reported only a broken axle. My charge for all their time, labor, and parts (plus an oil change): under $300. The car was ready the same day. These guys know how to treat people and cars.