Took my cat for a routine visit,healthy but wanted to do expensive blood work.I declined and they wanted to put him in a study.Would cover blood work but I had to pay for anesthesia and teeth cleaning.
No evidence of any medical problems
Agreed because I thought I was doing the right thing for my cat.
Two weeks later my granddaughter found my beautiful persian cat dead.
Called Summer Street Cat Clinic and told because it was Sunday there would be a charge for bringing him in.
Told to keep him cold and take him Monday.
Took him in and asked for an autopsy.
Result was cardiomyopathy which it seems was undetected or ignored before and during the procedure.
They now have a paw print there and when I asked if it could be mailed because a visit would be painful was told there would be a charge.
Have already paid out hundreds of dollars and my cat is dead but will be charged for postage for the paw print.
Greed,lies and insensitivity seem common in this practice.
I am afraid to get another cat after this horrible experience
My cat trusted me,I trusted Summer Street and although they made a profit my cat is dead.
Go somewhere else.
Stay away from Summer Street.