This place sounded great and wasn't half bad until it was time to go to the party room. The room was small and cramped. it was difficult to do any of the basic things like hand presents to the birthday kids or even sit at the table. We had the kiddos sitting down and seriously one of the little ones went to sit on their cafeteria style tables and the seat came off! she hit the floor and banged her head. when reveiwing it the screws had never even been put in. That was never even escalated to the supervisor. Then we went to pay out and they paid the wrong account. had to credit my card back and wanted to charge it again which would have meant they were holding more than $400. they then presented me with a bill that was more than $50 more than what they originally charged me. They said they'd be happy to make a note on the account with my secured cc info were any employee could view this info. And the owner got involved and told me she could write my cc info on a post it note to keep ""safe"" in her wallet! She said she takes cc info all the time and writes it on post it notes to transport to and from her home to this location. BEWARE! someone is going to suffer cc/indenity fraud at the hands of this ""OWNER"". The manager and other staff were very nice but this owner should be run out of town! She is rude and has ZERO customer service skills! I will never take my family there again and I am going to tell everyone of this danger! I never would have believed this nightmarge if I hadn't personally had to live through this for my son's second birthday...