It all depends on what you ask. I bought my first horse from there and I?m buying another one. The horses there have so much potential and many have gone on to be wonderful companions and even show horses. Marylyn knows every horse that has ever set hoof on her barn. And they often take in horses that would other wise have no place to go. Buying a horse there is like going to a garage sale and realizing how wonderful these animals are that others would have thrown away. The Slocums almost always go without so that the horses can have. I would buy countless horses from them. I would also say this is a great place to learn beginning ridding skills. You get real honest experience here. No frills or tied horses with a trainer lounging you to teach you to post. I think the only bone I have to pick with the Slocums is I would not keep a horse there. Personally I am able to afford better and so I give mine the best I can. It? has nothing to do with whether or not the Slocums care but more so with the fact that their hearts are too big and they often bite off more than they can chew. It?s a shame their appaloosa line is all but ruined because of all the babies they have taken on and the medical bills they have gathered over the years. But this is just the whole biting off more than they can handle. All of the negative comments seem to be from people with closed minds who only see what they want to see. I would volunteer here learn here and buy from here and encourage you to do the same. You won?t regret it.