I gave these people a 65 pg. PDF to print to a soft cover book.
For some reason they printed a page of the cover on the
inside and numbered it. This caused all of the chapters
listed in the Table of Contents to be wrong - i.e. the chapter
that should start on page 3 actually starts on page 4, etc.
Though no content was actually missing, pages 7 and 55 were blank.
They were 2 days late on delivery.
Their solution was for me to type up 2 new pages of
content (to match up with their screw-up)- then they
would take the books apart and re-assemble them.
When I brought up the fact that maybe they should just
do it right without giving me the job of fixing something
they screwed up, I was told to just ""come and get your
g. d. money back!""
So I did.
These people are a bunch of clowns - my problem was
that I needed a printer - not a clown.