Had the misfortune of experiencing a clogged waste line but fortunate enough to know to call for a Roto-Rooters plumber. Not only did they arrive within an hour of calling, I received an ETA and an email confirmation within minutes of my call for help.
Plumbers Anne Flores and Jim assessed the situation then immediately got to work. After cabling the sewer pipes to the septic, they inserted a special camera (at no extra charge) to complete their diagnostics. We followed their advice and instructions; within hours we were up and running.
We found Anne to be very knowledgeable on septic systems , extremely hard working, very friendly and professional. They accepted a coupon we printed off their website (which had no expiration date) and already scheduled a visit a year from now to provide us with product used to ensure proper functioning. Highly recommended for anyone in the Providence or Tiverton area.