If you want to waste money, then I can give you my address.
There are things that are too good to be true, and ITT and their fancy new campus location is one of these examples. There are things that are good about the school, don't get me wrong, the bad just far outway the bad. A main indication of how well a school is run is from the review written by "not shown 111"; This review is written by the Director of the Campus, I know this by the spelling and grammar. If you attend the school and speak with her enough you will find this to be true!
Ok time for honesty: The good
- Classes are small which does provide good face time with the instructors
- Instructors are willing to help you
- Generally the staff is pleasant and nice
- Certain elements of the material we learned are beneficial
- Financial Aid is provided to assist with loans which is good
- Career Services will assist you with getting jobs, most jobs provided range from $10-$14; only a very few students got anything over that, and that is after graduation
The bad
- The staff will not tell you that your credits WILL NOT transfer (they will lie to your face); which is why I attended there since I was told they would
- You CAN NOT switch between programs. This was lied to my face as well; so if you want to switch from CNS to Electronics you will have to take extra classes which is QUITE expensive to do so
- The teachers will do anything they can to help you. This sounds good right?! This is a true story. One semester my friend DID NOT attend 8 weeks of class due to his vehicle being broke down; 8 out of 11 weeks. The teachers and faculty did everything they could to allow him to turn his work in. He ended up with a C average for the semester which was higher than 2 students in the same classes that attended the entire semester and were held to project deadlines.
- The teachers pay is based on how the students perform, I can personally guarantee this since it is covered online for all faculty or students to see if you know where to look. This will guarantee that you can't fail which is good but if you attend every class and put full effort to your success it isn't fair when students who don't try or don't care get the same grade you do since the teachers want to ensure they get their full 100% of their pay
- There are students you will go to school with that could kill you. My first year of classes a fellow classmate was arrested and convicted of 1st degree murder, he attended class the day after he killed his girlfriend. There is no background check that is done on you, so rapist and murders welcome!
- For Engineering students: The material you learn is outdated and useless in the real world. Here are a few examples:
Microprocessors: 8051 was used in the 80s and is obsolete
Networking Concepts: The entire book is based on dialup
Programming: We were taught Python and Raptor; near obsolete language and has been since the 90s
The few classes that were relevant such as Digital and Analog circuits, the labs would not work or the parts are not provided in the box we were given. We ended up having to skip them or do them in a simulation which negates the first hand knowledge