Getting neck adjustments from Bill Trevens has literally changed my life. I used to be plagued by what I called "migraines" - actually cervical headaches due to my neck being out of alignment. When they first took x-rays of my neck and I saw the results, I was blown away. I had no idea that after carrying around years of stress my neck had locked into a rigid, off-balance position. After several months of treatment my neck is now back in its natural curved position and in alignment. (Treatment takes a couple of weeks for some clients, or maintenance for a couple of years for others, depending...) I still get adjustments from time to time, but mostly I'm headache-free. A whole new way of living! Once I ended up in the ER when I was away from home and the doctors had NO idea how to treat me. They put me on heavy pain meds and sent me home. When I returned to Boston I got an adjustment from Dr. Bill and I was off Percocet in a day. Typical doctors just don't get it. The parking is a hassle. But its SO worth it!