Bill McCollum
Florida Attorney General
State of Florida
The Capitol PL-01
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050
New House Title LLC (a FDLC company)
9119 Corporate Lake Dr
Ste 300
Tampa, FL 33634
Old Republic National Title Insurance Company
1410 N. West shore Blvd.
Suite 800
Tampa, FL 33607-4547
Fidelity National Title Company
150 S Pine Island, Suite 130
Plantation, FL 33324
First American Financial Corporation
1 First American Way
Santa Ana, California 92707
America’s Servicing Criminals
P.O. Box 10388
Des Moines IA 50306
Property address:
Dear Title Insurer:
This letter is to inform you that if you shall grant title insurance to above said property, a claim will be made under such policy in the amount of $495.000. As evidence shows, that Florida Default Law Group (Criminals), the law firm, , representing both the pretender-lender, Deutsche Bank and pretender-servicer America’s Servicing Criminals, criminally FABRICATED the documents necessary in order to fraudulently foreclose on above said property thus causing a cloud on the title.