When we hired Perigo, we were under the assumption that he would be looking out for the best interest of the children. His reports bear no resemblance to what actually takes place in his office. We started secretly recording the sessions with him so we would have proof of his lies and suggest that if you are stuck with him, to do the same thing. He is not interested in facts. Perigo is someone whose perceived power has gone to his head. He wants you to believe that he has the power to destroy your life. Over the years that we had him ""trying"" to play God in our family, we have gotten to know several high ranking officals in the legal community socially. We hear the same thing over and over -- that EVERYONE in the legal community, (lawyers, judges, other PC's) know that he is huge problem but nobody knows what to do about him because he has immunity. One judge friend of ours told us that Perigo has a Napolean complex and that any time he perceives someone as smarter, better looking, taller, more powerful, etc., he gets his jollies by trying to elevate himself above that person and make their life hell. We were also told that Perigo is held up as the example when training PC's of what NOT TO BE. \r
So if you are in the market for an honest PC (ie you don't plan to buy the man) run, don't walk in the opposite direction from this lunatic. \r
If you've already been ensnaired by this tyrant, here's what Perigo doesn't want you to know: you don't HAVE to keep him. We got out from under his dictatorship. If he is blatantly lying about what goes on behind closed doors like he did with us, he was probably bought off by the other side. Simply go back to court and request another PC. (The other PC's know ALL about Perigo too, by the way.) Perigo and the side that bought him will fight you on it, but this is where the judges CAN do something and will send him slithering back under the rock from whence he came.