I really Don't know why bradkellet is attacking Dr.T and making up lies about him. I can tell you this. That I have been seeing Dr. Tuttle since I was 12. I was involved in a car accident. I see him here and there for a tune up and my son who is now 11 has been seeing him since he was born. Let me clarify that. My son see's him when he asks to see him. He was a breech baby so Dr. T would adjust him for free when I came in to see him. My son had initially had problems with his digestive track and I was told he may be colic. But Doc T would adjust him and he would be fine. I've known this man pretty much all my life. I am now in my mid 30's so this is a doc patient relationship thats been going on forever. I have NEVER known Doc T to offer money to anyone to make him look good. He doesn't need to. There are plenty of his patients who have already written testimonials which you can read in his office. I have sent so many friends and family to him. Everyone I have sent has been really happy. I asked around, he didn't offer them any money to write a review as a matter of fact he didn't mention it to any of them. Kinda strange. I found out because my mom uses citysearch. So as far as I'm concerned a person who has NEVER been there shouldn't even be commenting on his services and to clear up other things I WAS NOT OFFERED MONEY TO WRITE THIS REVIEW.
So if you want someone who will take good care of you as a patient. will always stop to listen to your concerns. And be there for you when you are at your worst.. Go See Dr. Craig Tuttle. Sit in his office and ask his patients what they think of him.