Nike (Nee-Kay) at 6th Sense Health and Wellness is by far the best massage therapist I have ever experienced. I have been having massage therapy for as long as I can remember both here in the USA and my homeland of Australia. My husband referred me to Nike telling me that it was Nike, not a Doctor who determined that my husband had a bulging disc. My husband has since had surgery is able to feel his right arm again. If not for Nike's skill, education and observation, my husband would probably be partially paralyzed by now because all the doctors kept telling him it was muscular strain and to have a massage. Thank goodness he chose Nike for those massages!
I said to my husband just the other night after yet another amazing massage from Nike, that I don't get nearly as many migraines as I used to. I look so forward to my monthly visit with 6th Sense and chose my massage over buying new clothes or eating out as my treat. YOU SHOULD TOO, you will NOT be disappointed!
Nikee (Nike's wife) is also a FANTASTIC therapist who I would also highly recommend :)