II admit I can be hard on a restaurant….\r
but this has nothing to do about the food, more about its delivery. \r
Our food was served on a skillet so hot it boiled water on the handle 3 minutes after it was served to our table. Not only that, all of the food in the skillet burned black after it was served to our table. My child's fingers blistered with burn after he tried to move the handle so he could grasp his drink.\r
I brought up the skillet and the burned food to the manager and explained my child's burn and the unacceptable condition of the food. He proceeded to the kitchen where he was distracted with news of not enough silverware and chose to ignore my situation. I waited 20 minutes and went to find the manager for he had not yet approached our table. I was told he went to Publix for missing food supplies. After waiting for him in the back he agreed to remove our food charges but not beverage charges. That's fine. But not once did he take responsibility or approach our table nor my child who had burned his hands to the point where they blistered. I now understand he is a new manager recently promoted from waiter to run this restaurant. May he choose wisely in the future and not place restaurant protocol above the needs of his customers. \r
I think I'll let this restaurant season a bit before our return, never did taste the food. Our company of 5 went home . Disappointed\r