Balloons Over Charlotte has an incredibly friendly staff. They all have an impressive amount of experience and knowledge in ballooning. There wasn't a moment that any of the passengers (including myself) felt unsafe with Dan as our pilot. He has been piloting balloons for about 30 years now.
The first site that we drove out, we were unable to launch due to the winds. So we quickly rushed over to another site and were lucky enough to have perfect winds for flying. All of the passengers were able to get involved and feel like part of the crew as we launched their massive balloon. Just launching the balloon is a sight to see, but riding it is even more breath taking.
If you haven't taken a balloon ride before, I give my highest recommendation to you for this company.
Also, if you are an experienced skydiver or BASE jumper...he does allow people to jump from about 2 thousand feet, less than 5 minutes after take-off.
It was an honor and a fulfilling experience to be a part of their crew for a day and ride in their balloon. The only thing that I can warn you about is balloon rides are completely dependent on wind. So don't feel down if the first scheduled day, the winds are too high or in a bad direction. It will be worth it once you get to fly. =)