A blind monkey could do a better job than these people. In addition to doing a horrible job they have damaged my Maserati twice!!! About a year ago the person driving the car through the wash broke my reverse toggle and instead of telling me they just placed it back so when I went to the grocery store right after leaving Rose Hill and put the car in reverse the toggle fell away!! I immediately went back and they did indeed cop to the damage and paid Maserati the $800 directly. So just today my husband says he is going to wash my car and I told him, ""anywhere but Rose Hill""! Well were does he take it? You guessed it! Low and behold this time my husband says before they take off to put it through, ""watch the rims"". Sure enough the idiot smashes up my front left $1300 rim! Now I can get it repaired for $200, but that is not the point. People don't take your cars to this place. I would not take a Pinto there!