I used to be a huge fan. Now they take in what seems to be unlimited cars. If you are lucky enough to find a spot, you will return from your trip to find your car blocked in by MANY cars. So you go downstairs to the office to find someone to unblock you. This can take a LONG time. First you need to find someone in the office. Next they have to figure out which car(s) are parked behind yours, then find the keys for each one. Now they have to unparallel park these and let you out. This can take up to 45 minutes from the time you arrive. If you have one of the Valet parked cars, you do the same thing, but at least you know your own license plate number. They say you can call from the airport, but that hasn't worked for the last two times. So far it has happened to me 3 out of the last 4 weeks (I fly every week) and my husband is 2 for 2 in being stuck for up to 45 minutes. What makes it worse is that there are not enough guys running for the cars and a new shuttle full arrives with more angry customers...it is so sad, I used to love this place.