Hi this is Susan Lee. I am going to tell you about how it's feel when u can find yourself better looking than ever. Few months before I was a 27 years old lady carrying extra fat on my heap, thigh, waste, breast. Whenever I used to go outside from my home or office I can find people of my age heaving a good figure, carrying beautiful cloths.I was so jealous to see that. I could only dream of having such a figure.
Then I found Dr. Jay M Pensler on the internet that he is an excellent plastic surgeon all over the Chicago.. So I went to him. To get an appointment I did not have to wait much longer for an appointment. He suggested a liposuction surgery to reduce extra fat from my body. I got totally convinced and agreed to do the surgery. After having the surgery I have no extra fat. And the surgery is almost scarless. Whenever I get outside I don't feel jealous any more. I am just like one of them. My figure is slim and attractive too. Everybody is astonished with my sudden change and I am too much happy with the result.