I went to this bar this past friday as an out of town guest in Nashville. I stepped outside for a few minutes and the bouncers refused to let me back in. I pleaded with them to at least allow me to find my friends because I was out of town. I never laid a hand on the bouncer and out of nowhere, he began saying ""f-you, f-you"" and pushed me backward into a parking meter as hard as he could. I am a small female and this was a large built man. I now have horrible bruises all over my back. I'm actually lucky that I hit the parking meter b/c as an alternative, I would have been pushed off of the curb and fallen into the street, possibly hitting my head. I feel that what was done to me was truly an assault and certainly excessive given the situation. To add to this, another bouncer witnessed the event and both of them lied to the police about the assault. Any man who would physically injure a woman deserves a special place in Hell and so does this bar.