I am an insurance agent and I have been sending my clients to David for over 20 years. Not one complaint in hundreds of referrals, if fact all my clients love him. He is courteous, kind, and professional. His jewelry appraisals are the best I have ever seen in my career. In fact I heard about David years ago from another insurance agent, and that agent told me that he personally knew over 50 other agents using him. He never over values my client?s jewelry so they don?t end up wasting their money on needless high premiums. When my clients have had to make claims on their jewelry, David?s appraisals have proven to be spot on every single time. He even tells my clients when they don?t need to have certain items appraised. How many business people are honest enough to turn away business? David does it all the time. He treats all my clients like they were his own family. David is one of the finest people I know. Thank you David for always taking good care of my clients!