My mother in-law inadvertently broke the water pipe attached to her house rear outside faucet. She had to get the City of Cayce, SC to shut her water off. She called me asking if I knew a good plumber that I could recommend. I said I did and I recommended Gene Love Contracting. The plumber arrived early and repaired the line and three other water issues in her house. The price was fair according to my mother in-law. The plumber was polite and took care of business to her satisfaction which is no easy task.
The way I see it is like this, when you recommend someone and they take care of business above and beyond your expectations then you have been blessed. When the people you recommend do this outstanding service for your mother in-law, which is a miracle in and of itself, then you have been truly double blessed.
Also it should be noted there is another plumbing company named Gene Love Plumbing. This is not the same or associated any longer with Gene Love Contracting which is the company I recommended. As far as I am concerned Gene Love Contracting has earned their good praise and is one of the few companies that has ever earned my mother in-law's stamp of approval. I will continue to highly recommend them.