Last spring my wife and I decided to upgrade to a sectional sofa since we had our second child in addition to a cat and dog. We visited Furniture Connexion and were not terribly impressed with the warehouse, but knew low overhead would save us some money. We were led by the salesman to the in house brand, Porter, and found a sofa we liked. We purchased the sofa and picked it up a few days later from the warehouse. When we got the sofa home and unpacked it (lots of packaging, but that was fine) we noticed there was staining on a portion of the fabric. We contacted FC and were informed we would have to email photos to them. I did so and a few days later they approved an exchange. I was also told that since we picked up the sofa, we would have to return the stained one and pick up the new one. They would not deliver even though they provided a stained sofa. I agreed and did so.