Amazing Service, Friendly, Stunning results
The very night we got engaged, I began searching for a local jeweler. I wasn't attracted to the franchise companies, like Shane or Jarod's. I had no real idea what kind of design I liked or even that one could be custom made to my desires or needs. We began speaking with Danny via their website. They were able to share pictures and ideas almost immediately and we worked to fine tune what it was that I wanted in an engagement ring.
When we met them in person, I was pleased by the selection of the store, the knowledge and friendly demeanor everyone possessed. After only a couple of visits, Josephs recognized us as we came in. They were wonderful in explaining the science of diamonds and the metals used in the engagement and wedding rings. They worked with what we wanted and what we were able to afford. I get compliments on my rings every day!
We saw the rings through all the developmental stages, from the computer rendering, to the wax model, to the nearly polished and final results.
We are very pleased with the rings and recommend them to anyone. Joseph Jewelry is an amazing local business with a phenomenal staff that listens and cares, and crafts gorgeous jewelry.