If I could rate Green Mountain Guns zero stars I would.
When you enter their shop, although there always seems to be 6 or 7 employees working there it is impossible to get anyone to help you, as they seem more interested in standing around talking to each other. If you do manage to get someones attention to look at a weapon they offer no information at all about the gun, nor do they ask you any questions in regard to what you are looking for in order to point you in the right direction.
When I went in recently to have a friend, who is extremely knowledgeable about semi automatic rifles examine a DPMS rifle I was thinking about purchasing, the idiot behind the counter would not let us disassemble the gun AT ALL to see the condition it was in. If this is your policy regarding people that are willing to pay you hundreds of dollars, maybe you ought to reconsider it. I wouldn't buy a car without looking under the hood, and I hope you wouldn't expect people to buy guns from you without letting them closely examine it.
I won't be back.